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Prophecy by Cindy Jacobs

Chinese Pearl Harbor

The Lord spoke a word to me that COVID was a Chinese Pearl Harbor. That literally it began to undermine. and that China was militarizing during that season. I have sent words into different people, administrations in the past that said China would try to gobble up Taiwan, then go for Korea, Vietnam, and Japan, and then the world, if we declared détente.

People have looked at God like it's God with a little G, but He is getting ready to roar. He is getting ready to manifest his miracles, His power, His glory. The Lord said very interesting, in rural areas, he said, "I'm going to start showing up so many places." It's like brush fires being set all over the world and satan can't stomp it out fast enough. It's going to happen. If he gets one group here, then another group's going to rise up, and he's getting ready to display his glory. It's going to be tough.

The devil made some pretty bold moves and accomplished things faster than any believer thought he ever would do in this world. Now it's God's turn. It's God's turn. Let me read the scripture to you, Isaiah 64, 1 and 2, "Oh, that you would rend the heavens, that you would come down, that the mountains might shake in your presence, as fire burns brush wood, as fire causes water to boil,"

listen to this, "To make your name known to your adversaries, that the nations may tremble at your presence." This is what the Lord said to us. satan has done his shaking, but Almighty God is going to some shaking.

Our economy is not based on the world's economy. So, you might say, well, not every believer has what they need, but the Lord said to us, and I wrote this down, a new measure of faith is coming into the earth. We are going to come up higher, upgrades, upgrades. God, we're going to come up higher than we have ever walked before. I mean, so if you're listening to this and you hear these things, God loves a good challenge because that's when he manifests his glory.

No more lazy Christians.

No more lazy Christians. Every day, you're going to need to engage your faith to be an overcomer. God will posture you for greatness. God will posture you for blessing. But the thing is, you have to believe for it. So, if there's something raw inside of us, if we get in fear rather than faith, because remember what the word says, "I will cause the nations to tremble at my presence."

Supernatural solutionists.

We are going to know what to do. I mean, people are going to come to us and say, "I don't know." And you say, "Well, I know exactly what to do. This is what you do." I mean, Sid, I have prophesied over heads of state that they should, for instance, start a commodities market. 

You're going to love this one. The Lord told us that he was getting ready to really emphasize prodigals are going to come home. People whose kids have gone away from the Lord, or marriages are breaking up, that we have a certain sphere of society we call mountains, you know that, but God is going to give us a focus on that.

Rick Curry: Hi, I'm Rick Curry. Did you know that our best days are ahead of us and not behind us? There's an awakening coming. In fact, it's already started. Join me on the next It's Supernatural with Sid Roth and learn that God wants to use ordinary men and women in this final awakening.

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Our vision is to establish Come and Learn of Me Ministries Kingdom diplomat center where citizens of the kingdom can come and learn of their benefits, privileges and responsibilities as citizens in the Kingdom of God.

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