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Kingdom Citizens Prayer Responsibility While on Planet Earth

(November 18, 2021, 5:00 am)

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray… then will I hear from heaven.                            2 Chronicles 7:14, NIV.

The Bible reveals that kings, presidents, dictators, and those in authority over us do not really rule this world. They only seem to rule. They are puppets of the kingdom of darkness being ruled by satan, who is empowered by the criticism of the Kingdom of Heaven citizens on planet earth.


They are ruled by the Kingdom of Heaven citizens mighty men/women, sons and daughters of Almighty God via the Holy Spirit as Kingdom of Heaven citizens take their Citizenship responsibility seriously while on planet Earth and stop leaving everything up to God in Heaven and pray correctly.

Almighty God has chosen to involve His Sons and Daughter in what He is doing, so He needs somebody to work through here on planet Earth. On the flip side, satan needs somebody to work through to enable him to do what he wants to do on planet Earth, and we know his job descriptions (See John 10:10).

To be effective in prayer, we must meet certain conditions for approaching God in prayer in a way that will bring answers.

The power of the Holy Spirit works through our prayers. Only insofar as they are in line with the Word of God. This means that to pray affectively, we must know what the Bible says.

Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.    1 Timothy 2:1-4 NKJV

This is one of the most rational passages that I know of in the Bible. It unfolds a series of thoughts and gives us sound and compelling reason for what it is saying.

Paul wrote this letter to Timothy to instruct him in the order and discipline of a local congregation. He said that the first great activity of a local group is supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks.

As a kingdom of Priest, we have two primary ministries, first ministering to Almighty God, second to ministering to people. If we were to use one collective noun for those different phrases, it would be prayer. So, the primary activity of believers meeting together in fellowship as they begin to minister to the Lord. Prayer is basic.

This agrees with Isaiah 56:7 where God said this to believers who have gathered in an assembly: “My house shall be called a House of prayer for all nations.” In other words, not only are we to pray, but our prayers are to be as wide in their outreach as the love and the mercy of God; to offer of the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven to all.

Then Paul revealed the first theme of prayer. At the end of the opening verse, he said generally prayer should be given on behalf of all men, but then he explained for whom we are to pray for first. Out of the whole human race, for whom are we to pray for first? It is not for the missionary? The evangelist? the sick? No, and this is where the great majority of Christians are out of line with the revealed will of God. They do not put God's priority first.

God says when we come together in a local congregation in prayer, or when two or three are met together, the first thing that He wants us to pray for his kings, (presidents, dictators), and all who are in authority. I would say, using modern phraseology, that this relates to today's government. Have you realized that your primary responsibility in prayer is the pray is for the government of your nation? My observation is that in multitudes of churches the people never think about that even once a month, yet Paul put it first.

What are we to ask God to do for and through the government? “That we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.” Let's ask ourselves this simple question. Does the government we live under affect the life we lead? Obviously, it affects it in many ways continually. So, if we want to lead a good life, reasonable and self-interest alone would indicate that we should pray for our government.

What are we to ask that the government will achieve? That it will achieve a situation in which we who are under the government may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. In other words, we are to pray that the government will do its job properly or, more simply still, we are to pray for good government.

How many of us can say that we are leading a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence?

The basic purpose of the American Constitution, a device by its founders was to create a situation in the United States of America where we can lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.

I really believe that those words sum up as accurately as is possible, the basic intent of the American Constitution, if their intent is achieved, I believe we can say that we have a good government. In other words, the function of a good governments by American standard is to provide a framework, a situation of law and order and administration, in which each one can go about our daily life and business, leading a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and reverence.

I really am convinced that the founding fathers would have accepted that as their primary object, if in framing the Constitution.

In the next verse of our scripture, we read: “This is good and acceptable in the sight of God, our Savior.” This - meaning good government - is tremendously important. It is God's will. Then Paul told us one basic reason why God approves of good government, why it is His will. He wrote “God desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (v.4). I pointed out that God's mercy and love are outstretched to the whole human race. God wants all people to be saved, but they cannot be saved without coming to the knowledge of the truth. They cannot come to the knowledge of the truth unless the truth - the truth of the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven  is presented to them.

So, for that very simple and obvious reason, God wants the truth of the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven is proclaim to everyone, everywhere. All we have to do then is to ask ourselves one more question. Which one makes it easier to proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven: good government or bad government? I think the answer is too obvious to need a lot of explanation. Bad government hinders the preaching of the gospel. God government in many different ways, facilitate the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven. So good government is the revealed will of God.

Here, then, is our basis for successful prayer. In this particular example as a Kingdom of priests, we know that it is our responsibility to rule the world for God by our prayers. We strive earnestly to meet the condition for approaching God in prayer. We come to him in reverent submission, and in faith, and any other requirements as we study the Word as guided by the Holy Spirit, and discern that good government is guys will. If, therefore, we pray for good government, we know that God hears us, we have what we ask for.

Now let's turn that around, if we do not have good government, and I'm only saying if - each one of us has to decide if our governments are effective or efficient, whatever standards we use - but if we do not have good government, what is the reason? There are only two possible reasons if we believe what the Bible teaches.

The first reason is that we have not prayed as we ought to? I suppose that in the United States that applies to well over half of the professing Christians. They never really prayed intelligently and with real concern for the government. They shrug their shoulders and offer a lot of criticism.

Let me take a moment to point out that there is no authority scripture to criticize the government, but there is a scriptural obligation to pray for it.

The second reason is that we have to prayed, but without knowing the will of God. It is only when we pray knowing God's will that we can say we have what we pray for. In this instance, we know that good government is the will of God because it facilitates the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom Heaven which is the primary purpose of God for our world.

Why do we Christians find it so hard to believe that so much depends on our praying? We take the attitude that what goes on is beyond our control; there is nothing we can do about the government - or prejudice or hatred or whatever ills we see around us. We shrug our shoulders. We criticize, we complain, but we fail to pray. This is why we see worldwide moral and ethical decline, both in leadership and in national cultures. We have not understood the limitless possibility of praying according to God's will as revealed in His Word. Because of this, we fail to Rule God's Kingdom the way He intended.

Some ask, “Is God in control of everything?” He is in charge, but He is not in control. Think about it; If God was in absolute control of planet earth, there would be no sin, no death, no sickness, no child abuse, no murder, no hatred, etc. God is in charge of everything, but he has left us (Humankind) in control.

In Psalms 115:16, we read “The heavens are the heavens of the Lord, but the earth He has given to the sons of men.” The earthly realm is under the dominion and controlled by humankind. Therefore, we must operate responsibly within the establish guidelines of Almighty God Words the Holy Scriptures. Almighty God is in charge, and we need to understand that He will back us up as we operate within line of His Word.

In Matthew 18:18, we read Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

The initiative start on Earth, not Heaven, and Heaven will back us up.


Almighty God has chosen to involve His Sons and Daughter in what He is doing, so He needs somebody to work through here on planet Earth. On the flip side, satan needs somebody to work through to enable him to do what he wants to do on planet Earth, and we know his job descriptions (See John 10:10).

God's priority is that we pray for those in authority first, as Kingdom citizens we are to rule this world through prayer. It is up to us as Kingdom citizens whether or not we have a good or bad government. It is up to the Kingdom of Heaven citizens whether or not we live a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.

Remember, “All that wickedness needs to prosper is for the RIGHTEOUS Men/Women to do nothing”

It is also important to not react, but instead respond to the things that are transpiring in the world; otherwise the cure can be worse than the disease, People like to criticize and rejected but this violate the Word of God, but we must pray, and the next thing you know is that the person that causing the problem is out of office, and they wondering what happen.

In Proverbs 21:1, “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.

Almighty God is in charge, but humanity is in control of the earth; would it be unwise to compare this to a husband and wife. The husband is the head, but the wife is the neck that turns his Head, Almighty God is in charge (the Head), and the church (the women) is the neck that turns the Head through prayer.


Again, remember, “All that wickedness needs to prosper is for the RIGHTEOUS Men/Women to do nothing” 

We need to pray and say absolutely nothing about these nations and their governments or those in office (Authority). At the same time, while watching the news or reading an article about any of these nations, or their governments or those in office (Authority). When there is bad news, see it as a prayer request. 

If a thought comes to your mind that is contrary to the Word of God about these nations and their governments or those in office (Authority), remember what Second Timothy 2:1-4, we are to pray for them, as a Kingdom of Heaven citizen (an Ambassador), we do not have an opinion, but follow the command of our King Jesus and be obedient too: Second Timothy 2:1-4, this is not a suggestion, but a command. If you do, it will cancel out your prayer and cause it to become ineffective.

Pray this prayer! (Our responsibility is to rule by PRAYER)

Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus we give thanks for the nations and world governments. We hold up in prayer before you, the men at women who are in positions of authority. We pray and intercede for the kings, President, dictators, and all those who are in authority on every level over us in any way. We pray, and invited the Holy Spirit into these nations, and governments, and may the Spirit of the Lord rests upon all those in authority. We believe that skillful and godly wisdom has entered into the hearts of all those who are in authority on every level over us in any way, and knowledge is pleasant to them, angels are watching over them, and keep them and deliver them from the evil and from evil men and women.

We ask that you compass those in authority about with men and women who make their hearts attentive to godly counsel and do that which is right in your sight. We believe you causes them to be men and women of integrity. Who are obedient concerning us, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all goodliness and honesty. We pray that the upright shall dwell in these nations and governments, that they will be men and women of integrity, of godly character, are righteous in your sight. We pray that the wicked shall be cut off from the kings, President, dictators, and the treacherous people will be routed out.

Heavenly Father, In the name of Jesus.

I/We decree, that these nations have good governments, good leaders that will do their job properly.

I/We decree, that we lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence?

I/We decree, Your blessing is upon the nations whose God is Lord? We receive your blessings.

I/We decree, You are our refuge, stronghold in times of trouble.

I/We decree, With our mouths that we dwell in this land safely and prosper abundantly. We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus.

I/We decree, It is written in your Word that the heart of the king is in in the hand of the Lord, and that you turn it whichever way you desire. We believe that the hearts of our leaders are in your hand and that their decisions are divinely directed of the Lord.

I/We decree, that the good news of the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven is preached in our land and promoted throughout the world.

I/We decree, that the Word of the Lord prevails and grows mightily in the heart and lives of the people, in the Name of Jesus.

Jesus is lord over the United States of America, its government, and the nations and governments of the world!

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Our vision is to establish Come and Learn of Me Ministries Kingdom diplomat center where citizens of the kingdom can come and learn of their benefits, privileges and responsibilities as citizens in the Kingdom of God.

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